Our Top Autumn Go-To Recipes

We are passionate about good food and where it comes from so eating with the seasons means you’re eating the freshest produce at the right time of year. 

Now that the summer warmth has gone, we’re already donning our warmest jumpers, lighting the fires and cooking up warming food for the soul. 

So why not try our top Autumn go-to recipes suitable for mid-week nights, early breakfasts or slow weekend vibes. 

Now, if you’re lucky enough to get your hands on some quince, don’t let the opportunity pass you by as they are seriously good and can be eaten with your morning porridge, topped with yoghurt or even more elaborately served in a bread and butter style pudding. They do take some time to prepare but are totally worth it. So why not check out Nigel Slater's wonderful suggestions here

Mackerel is another delicious item on the menu. Full of good fats and quick to eat, you can cook it in many ways. But why not try this recipe for a super fast, healthy mid-week meal. Or simply make a mackerel pate for the perfect work lunch served with a root veg salad. 

Butternut Squash, a super versatile veg, perfect for turning into soup or roasting and another whopping 4 of your 5 a day foods. What’s not to love. 

And if the above just sounds too much like hard work, why not book a cook to do it for you! Email: ella@sugarellacooks.co.uk